Steven Zhu

Software Developer

About Me

Hi, my name’s Steven and I’m a backend software developer. My favorite language is C++ due to it’s scalability and efficiency. Python is a close second due to its flexibilty and ease of use. I have worked at multiple companies gaining valuable experience and teamwork skills. I’m proficient with working in large code bases and integrating 3rd party solutions via API. I’m also familiar with Git, as I use it both for work and personal projects.


A little side project of mine.

I started investing and building an investment portfolio a year ago. For a period of time, I was deeply interested in penny stocks but had no idea where to find new tickers. After discovering a subreddit called r/pennystocks, I would end up reading the subreddit for hours everyday. One day, a reddit user created a python script which counts the number of mentions of a stock ticker on r/pennystocks. Since then, I have taken over the project and added many features and functionalities over the original script, hence r/AutoDD-Rev2 was born. Some notable features include adding yahoo finance integration, implementing a scoring system based on upvotes and reddit flair, supporting multiple subreddits, an option to sort results, and an option to output as CSV. The source code is here and a webapp of the script in action, created by another reddit user can be found here.


Safe Software

Software Developer

November 2017 - Present

My role at Safe Software is to develop data integration and data conversion tools for FME Desktop. I worked in a large codebase that mainly uses C++, and my expertise is parsing and processing XML and JSON data types. The projects that I was in charge of are 12d Model, TopoJSON, QVX Writer, Qlik Connector, OGC WCS, and OGC WMTS

Milliman Inc.

Software Developer Intern

August 2016 - December 2016

My role at Milliman was to develop automation solutions for their business processes. The underlying library used was an open source scheduler called Quartz.NET and the solution was mainly developed using C#. The scheduler was to be controled via command line which would be executed from one of their internal webapp.

D+H Limited Partnership

Software Developer Intern

January 2016 - April 2016

My role at D+H was to improve and add features to their internal webapp. On the backend, I used a combination of C# and SQL stored procedures to add, query, modify, or delete information from their database. On the frontend, I developed new pages using ASP.NET to interact with the backend. In addition, I created a new table which keeps a history of operations made by users that uses the webapp, so operations could be reverted if needed.

TD Securities

Software Developer Intern

January 2015 - April 2015

My role at TD Securities was mainly fixing bugs in their large codebase. Most of the codebase was written with C# and some C++. At the end of my internship, I created an automation script that installs of a list of financial software. Once the userid was passed into the script, the script would pull the user’s role information from the employees database and decide which software(s) to install.


University of Waterloo

Bachelor of Computer Science And Bachelor of Business Administration Double Degree

September 2012 - August 2017

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in software development, some of my other hobbies are:

  • Badminton
  • Gaming
  • Cars
  • Videography/Photography
  • Youtuber